oh, bugger!
i think i have told nearly everybody - even the ones that are definitely not interested in the topic -
i just wanted to mention it here too, just in case i forgot to tell someone.
i'm still quite pissed off at the subject. :(
i think i have told nearly everybody - even the ones that are definitely not interested in the topic -
i found a place where they'd offer me the job - if i proved that i am the one for that job. the only problem is that proving means six months working in munich for very little money. not enough to actually survive let alone live. and after that i'd not even be guaranteed to have the job, i'd have to beat my other "opponents". yea, what else? we're talking sports.
i can't help it but everytime i click on his profile to leave a message on his wall i feel sick. as now. it's that french cow marie leaving messages for him that sound so intimate and loving and i can't help but wonder what is going on between them?!
jesus christ, my ex-fling finally managed to write his book. was not too long ago when i was sitting very hungover at anita wronski telling my friend steffi about b. and his attempts to write a book. all the time i've been with him he was getting on my nerves going on about the story and that he would really need to get it done but has no time but has to because his agent told him there was a deadline...
it's january 3rd. when you go outside it looks as if my street was removed to a tip. or as if they decided to change my beautiful touristy street into a tip. you can choose.