Friday, January 11, 2008


i can't help it but everytime i click on his profile to leave a message on his wall i feel sick. as now. it's that french cow marie leaving messages for him that sound so intimate and loving and i can't help but wonder what is going on between them?!

funny thing about this is that it is more than six months since we last saw each other. and still i cannot seem to get rid of this disgusting feeling in my stomach whenever i see his picture. what has to happen to get this too young, too freaky, too headless and too immature bloke out of my head?

oh. talking about immatureness i got a message from my married friend who still kind of fancies me. which is the second thing making me really sick because all the strong feelings seem to all of a sudden be there again. him i have not seen for almost a year. can anybody tell me what is it with men?

i feel like throwing up.


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