Friday, August 08, 2008

ex-people on the radio

when i drove home from work on monday evening i tuned in to radio fritz. normally i listen to motor fm but there were news or a shit song, i don’t know. and on fritz there was bluemoon on, a radio talk show. the dj’s voice was somehow familiar to me, although it took me about half a minute to realise it was h. to whom i once had given my heart and soul and much much more and who never loved me the way i wanted him to. his voice sounded strange and much higher than i remembered. a question popped up in my head: „does your voice get higher when you quit smoking?“ for two or three minutes i listened to the conversation he had with the caller, then i changed the frequency. it was okay to hear him. it was so him. it didn’t hurt the whole three minutes. phew. enough for at least one year.

when i was on the way to my gp today i was feeling a bit dizzy and so not listening to what dj max spallek was saying. „generation praktikum“...„neues buch“...„zwölf stunden sind kein tag“... and after the last sentence i was wide awake and thinking „please, no.“ but it was too late. he was already announcing my not too beloved ex-fling b. who was invited into the studio to talk about his book. (i wrote about this earlier.) fortunately i was already parking my car when b. started talking in his bored sounding voice so i did not have to listen to what he was saying. i know what you think – but those things are like car accidents: you just cannot take your eyes – or in that case ears – off of it. but if it has come that far – b. is allowed to talk on the radio – it’s high time for me to leave.

p.s.: what was supposed to be the first sentence of his book became the last.

p.p.s.: of course i'm envious. of course i compare. but i'm still the better person.


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