HE is the chef

you know all that cooking shows on telly? forget them.
forget johann lafer (although he's very cute with his styria-accent), forget horst lichter, forget tim maelzer.
and please forget that rubbish rach der restaurant-tester that aired on RTL. it's another bad copy of great british tv that just didn't work in germany. because you cannot replace a fucking cool chef with a pitingly looking guy whose profession by chance it is to cook. not gonna work.
a few weeks ago i discovered gordon ramsay - chef ohne gnade on DMAX and found out that it was the source material to rach der restaurant-tester. only with a funny plot, swear words and a bloody good looking chef who is verbally misbehaving all the time. the slight resemblace to dieter bohlen gets put on the backburner as soon as the scot opens his mouth. he's just cool.
the original title of the show is ramsay's kitchen nightmares which nails it. and again shows the boring translation german producers thought of for a really great programme. at least they only spoiled it halfway by only doing a voiceover and not fully synchronising it. this way you get a little bit of what everybody's originally saying.
you can watch gordon swear on thursdays at 9.15 pm (two episodes) and sundays at 11.15 pm on DMAX.
The guy is simply a dictionary of swear words... but his culinary prodigies are nowhere in sight!!!!
~ jh
8:16 AM
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