Tuesday, April 08, 2008

how did it come to this?

as i read in the daily mail yesterday a man has been accused of hitting a boy with a hedgehog and now faces five (!) years in jail.

jesus christ almighty. they take what they can grab.

this reminds me of 2002 when some barcelona-fans threw a pig's head at luis figo as he was on his way to take a corner kick for his at this time new club real madrid.

there are things going on humans would not possibly believe.


Blogger P said...

This reminds me of the day when some idiot threw a headless fish trough our open window (it was on a kids camp in Holland... almost a hundred years ago, I think).
It landed on my bed (thank God, I wasn´t there at the time the visitor flew in) and I had to convince the KOCHFRAUEN to let me wash my sleeping bag in their washingmachine to get rid of the smell (convincing them was the hardest part of the day... - even harder than taking the poor creature downstairs to bury it in the bin...).

10:11 AM


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