bolly knockers

ashes to ashes moves from manchester 1973 to london 1981. this time sam tyler's psychologist d.i. alex drake gets shot in the head and goes back in time. dressed as a prostitute she wakes up on a boat where a massive drug party's going on. not much later she meets her new boss d.c.i. gene hunt who tenderly begins calling her bolly knockers.
as alex is also a profiler she has studied sam's case very thoruoghly and knows that there is a connection to the present, the real world. she tries to influence her fate in facing the man that shot her in the head, because she's hoping to break a spell and be able to go back to 2008. i'm not saying too much if i tell you that she has to stay a little longer in 1981...
i was watching it in the middle of the night because i could not sleep, and i have to admit that it was a little bit spooky. alex's hearing voices, faces quickly appear and disappear again, she's haunted by a sinister clown who she finds in her wardrobe and discovers that it was only a dream. was it?
but it was also very, very funny. the combination of heavily built gene and gorgeous and fuckingly smart alex (played by beautiful keeley hawes) creates new excitement for the audience. not to forget that d.s. chris skelton kind of grew up a bit. he's still a bit dull and still not as keen on being a copper like gene is, but he now has a girlfriend who is shy and sweet and who adores him. one is tempted to hug him and pat him on the shoulder.
in contrast to chris his partner d.c. ray carling has not changed much. he's still very sarcastic, sexist and tries to play it cool. the only thing that has changed is his hairdo: he's having a perm now.

Ute, Schnute, Kasimir...
Nach Bolly Knockers googlend, fand ich Ihren Blog. Ich kann das nur bstätigen, wenn ich uch mit meiner Admiration auf die Woche nach Weinachten 2010 warten musste, in der ich mir die soeben in Londinuim gekaufte erste Staffel "reinziehen" konnte. Erwähnenswert finde ich noch, dass der Clown der aus dem A2A-Video von 1980 sein soll, wenn auch deutlich kräftiger als der Meister damals.
Und vergessen wir nicht, das die Staffel in 7 und 8 zu neuen Höhen aufläuft und - mich dazu brachte, am letzten Abend die 2. und 3. Staffel zu ordern. Ich will wissen, wie's weitergeht.
Seien Sie auch Charlottenburg gegrüsst, liebe "Bolly-Kockers"
Peter Hegenbarth
9:41 AM
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